Training JAVAEEJPA - JPA - Java Persistence API in Vienna

Knowledge of how to work with a database using JPA on specific examples that you will use to create your own database programs at work. You will know how JPA makes your life easier, how beautiful reusable and easily editable code can be created with JPA. You will find out what are the possibilities of automated creation of entity objects and what are the advantages and disadvantages of this approach. You will understand the principle and architecture of the first projects where JPA is used. ...
Welcome to the course

Welcome to the world of Java Enterprise. The Java Persistence API (JPA) specification defines an interface for managing persistence and object-relational mapping of database entities to objects. This course introduces you from the basics to JPA in the Eclipse development environment.

Who is this course for?

The course is essential if

Course curriculum

Introduction to JPA

  • Entity Manager
  • Persistence.xml content
  • How to create a new JPA project?
  • How to generate classes from existing tables in a database?
  • Java persistence unit
  • Multithreading and JPA

JPA basics in practical examples

  • How to insert a record into a database using an object?
  • JPA REST problem with UTF-8 encoding
  • How to set a field time to now ()?
  • How do I save a note in a JPA that points to a foreign key? How to save a foreign key using JPA?
  • How to see the SQL query that the internet handles JPA?
  • How to make a JPA query to receive an IN clause?
  • How to make a query what returns the return columns?
  • How to limit the number of results? (LIMIT from SQL)
  • How to ask a question that returns a specific type?
  • How to export the final project with libraries?


DatePrice without VATSubscribe to the term
26th Oct2024
1 Day
675 €Get these skills
24th Jan2025
1 Day
675 €Get these skills
23rd Jan2026
1 Day
675 €Get these skills

own term
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